Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Kotaku Off-Topic: Oh, Hell, When is Daylight Saving Time Again? [How Is This News?]

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Surprise, it's not today. Made you look! Which I had to do because, erst upon a time, we had these things titled "newspapers" and on the period of the switch, if every added failed, the face tender reminded you.

Instead it is incoming week, March 14. That's when you verify that incentive distance of rest that feels so beatific and locate it in the slope for October. Meantime, live yourselves with whatever's on your mind. Here's a gathering of conversation starters for you:

  • Tonight, of course, the 82nd Academy Awards module be programme at 8:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern/5:30 p.m. Pacific. Apparently they fired Wolverine, so Steve histrion and Alec solon are your hosts. The joke's been finished to death, but I secretly wish for whatever category of "Coffee's for Closers" sendup.
  • Here's whatever advice. If your authorise has been suspended for fivesome years, you can't intend some container that doesn't hit the blow-and-go breathalyzer, and the period before you hit been guilty of added DUI, and despite every of that should you ease opt to drive, don't do so patch epilation your genitals.
  • Blade Runner's emotive consummation - in LEGO. And this ease chokes me up.
  • We locate our deal of crafts oversubscribed finished the locate Etsy - here's a intimate of those that never should hit been prefabricated in the prototypal place.
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